FreeBSD v9 > v10. Dialogs on the UI are only partly visible during a recent shared library bump.
For instance, I can see this as I type, but the title, of this post, is only
a a a a a E a
which may be the same number of those vowells within it. From here, as I type this, I cannot
see the title which I just typed.
Only occurs on some web pages (debian wiki VS gentoo wiki, for instance)
And in about:config: the items to change are visible, but not the selections,
Font >> one cannot see the old to change to a new, but can type it in without knowing
if the spelling is correct, etc.
If there is a term in about:config (specific item) which applies to the text in the
Opera menu button, "Opera", as well as the text one types into the URL bar (as I type
this, the url is showing as " a " ... then I could maybe change its color
or font type and fix the issue.