I am using Opera for a few weeks now in my search for a better browser.
And I am really impressed. The speed experience is brilliant. Also the batterysaver and the taskbar on the left are super.
There are several things I really miss.
- Swipe back and forewards to previous page or next page with fingers. This option is available in de opera neon browser, but it really should be standard on the normal browser as well. When I use it in tablet modes, it would be very useful.
- The quicklaunch startmenu. When I open a site, it should be possible to open it standard in other tab. Please add this option. It would also be nice to sync this with my account. When I test another version or install it on other pc, I have to copy it mannualy or add the tiles again.
- Opera Neon. It is way too slow. Where is the turbo option and battery saving? It looks beautiful btw, but it would also be nice if you kan open site full screen (i mean without the sidebars). Switching between them would be nice.
I hope this input makes Opera even better.