I just open a little over a dozen tabs and the browser crashes. first, a notification appears that the crash reporter is not responding. after that either the browser closes, or I have to close it through the task manager. and I don't understand the reason for the crash. memory is only loaded to 70% maximum. hard disk space is available.
Best posts made by igor1488228123
RE: The Opera for Windows is Crashing TopicOpera for Windows
Где скачать старую версию оперы и как сделать чтобы она не обновлялась?Русский
Желательно версию ровно до добавления белой/черной темы и прочего мусора.
RE: The Opera for Windows is Crashing TopicOpera for Windows
At first I thought that I had clogged the browser, and tried to completely remove it. After installation, nothing has changed. this has never happened with older versions of the browser. can I find an old version, even before the visual update, where were the white / black themes added? and how to make sure that it is not updated?
RE: The Opera for Windows is Crashing TopicOpera for Windows
the reason may be outdated equipment. for new systems, any innovations will not seriously affect performance. but my pc is really old.