Does that workaround fixed other websites network?
It did. So far i had only two different websites not loading up right or not loading "normal" and i used the workaround i described twice. Once for each website. Weird it is.
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Does that workaround fixed other websites network?
It did. So far i had only two different websites not loading up right or not loading "normal" and i used the workaround i described twice. Once for each website. Weird it is.
I Was just having a similar issue after updating my Opera browser and certain websites would not load the right way or just "normal". Long story short...i right clicked on the background of the webpage that did NOT load properly and selected inspect element from the menu that shows up and then clicked on Network and then checked Disable cache and then did a reload of the website i was having trouble viewing and the website reloaded appearing "normal". I then unchecked Disable cache and reloaded the website again...and it reloaded looking "normal". So i guesss i got lucky. I hope this approach may help some of you with similar issues. GOOD LUCK! :devil: