Thanks for responding lem729.
Once again, the reason that I would need a browser to be able to save bookmarks as an .html file is in the event that I need or want to switch from Opera to another browser (if I didn't want to use Opera as my browser any longer) or so that I could 'save' my bookmarks in the event that my hard drive crashed.
Opera versions up to 15 or so had this capacity: You could readily and very easily save bookmarks as an "html" or an "adr" file.
I always used to keep saved/backed up copies of Opera bookmarks (I have 953 bookmarks, currently) on a flash drive as well as online in "Gmail drive."
I did try what you suggested: Importing Opera 21 bookmarks to Google Chrome. Unfortunately, due to the fact that Opera 21 bookmarks are not in html format, they are impossible to export to ANY browser -and I have tried about every browser that exists. Neither is there an option to "export import bookmarks from Opera" in ANY browser: Most browsers have only the options of "importing bookmarks from Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Firefox." A few browsers I downloaded and installed had the option to 'import bookmarks from DEFAULT browser.' Even when Opera was set as my DEFAULT browser, the other browsers were not able to find or import bookmarks from Opera.
So, for the time being, I have recently uninstalled Opera 21 and am using a different browser. I may never use Opera ever again -it had been my favorite browser for the past 8 years.
Some other very moronic and 'glaring' weaknesses with Opera 21 is its inability to recognize certain 'plug-ins' and applications that are present on my laptop -which OTHER browsers readily detect; but for some reason Opera doesn't. Such as VLC player and other application/plug-ins as well. I have found no way -and am sure there isn't a way- to configure Opera to 'detect' these and other plug-ins.
Previous versions of Opera had NO weaknesses and had NO trouble in customizing and setting certain plug-ins as 'default' or 'favorite' plug-ins to use.
One of the few advantages -which are 'major' advantages- that Opera 21 has over previous versions of Opera is speed. Opera 21 is EXTRAORDINARILY-FAST -perhaps faster than any other browser- in terms of web-surfing. All prior versions of Opera -in my experience- have always been fast as well, faster than other browsers.
However, in most other aspects Opera 21 is a step-backwards to the stone age: Much less options and functionality and intelligence in design -compared to prior versions of Opera. Scandinavians are overrated, intellectually. They aren't as intelligent as most people opine. The constant 'de-evolution' of Opera is one of many proofs of this. But then again, its' hard to find intelligence any more anywhere in society in any country.