Thank you for the answer.
Posts made by giampy61
- Opera for Windows
What is "patch"?Opera for Windows
Hi all,
for example look at and hence
What is "patch"???GF
RE: Aggiornamenti automaticiItaliano
Certo che bisogna essere proprio degli IMBECILLI per eliminare nel nuovo Opera tutte quelle comode opzioni presenti in Opera 12.
RE: Aggiornamenti automaticiItaliano
Ho fatto altre ricerche e sono riuscito a trovare una qualche risposta. Adesso provo.
Aggiornamenti automaticiItaliano
Salve a tutti,
ho Opera 34 e ogni tanto mi viene segnalato che Opera vorrebbe aggiornarsi, ma io per il momento non voglio.
Mi dite come cavolo si bloccano gli aggiornamenti automatici?
Ho già fatto ricerche in merito ma senza successo.GF
RE: Forse Opera rinasceItaliano
Provato oggi. E' ancora allo stato embrionale. Temo che prima di riprovarlo bisognerà aspettare tanto tempo.
- Opera for Windows
Opera 12.17 and VirustotalOpera for Windows
Hi all.
Opera 12.17 no longer works with Virustotal. When Virustotal is going to load the file, the little white window appears, and the browser stops there. Nothing happens.What's wrong? Is there a solution?
RE: google search problem with opera 12.17Opera for Windows
MXXXW, your fix works! Fine!
I wonder how/where you have found that solution (it's not simple either).
RE: google search problem with opera 12.17Opera for Windows
BTW milija's suggested temporary fix (edit site preferences) totally WORKS.
Not for me. When I start a search, the screen appears totally disordered.
RE: google search problem with opera 12.17Opera for Windows
my opera 12.17 google search back to old style
Me too! It happened to me ten hours ago and the situation is not solved. It seems to me a matter about Javascript.
Opera 12.17 and HTML5Opera for Windows
Hi all.
Despite my searches I haven't found an answer to a basic simple question: can Opera 12.17 show somehow movies in HTML5??? - Opera for Windows
RE: Facebook is a disaster nowOpera for Windows
I have tried another browser (Maxthon) and Facebook works fine instead.
Facebook is a disaster nowOpera for Windows
Hi all.
I use Opera 12.16 and my Internet works fine, as usual, but in the last weeks Facebook is a disaster. Sometimes it is almost frozen.
When I enter in a Facebook page, the browser shows the usual messages like "Request sent to... Receiving data from... Sending to..." but those messages don't appear once only, they appear again and again, many times, cyclically, almost endlessly.
Sometimes the page doesn't appear, the screen is blank, sometimes I see everything but images. The little "wheel" of the browser sometimes turns turns turns endlessly...All the messages refer to servers of Facebook, therefore the culprit should not be a malware/spyware that tries to bring me elsewhere.
Of course I have done every kind of control, even by Hijackthis and OTL, and my PC is clean.Some days ago I emptied the cache of the browser (I never needed to do it) and the situation seemed solved, but within a few time the issue appeared again.
Any idea?
Opera 12 and FacebookOpera for Windows
I use Opera 12.16 and I suffer a drawback when I am into Facebook.
When I reach the end of a page, Facebook rearranges the whole page, there is much movement among the messages, and when the arrangement is finished I find myself almost at the top of the page or anyhow far from the message I was reading. I am peeved because of such behaviour.
Is it a drawback of Facebook or of Opera 12.16? Is there a setting of Opera 12.16 that can avoid it?GF