I have just managed to sort it out. As it was an Opera specific problem removing and reinstalling was one of the first things I tried. I just tried that again but this time using 10 bit uninstall and that seems to have done the trick.
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I have just managed to sort it out. As it was an Opera specific problem removing and reinstalling was one of the first things I tried. I just tried that again but this time using 10 bit uninstall and that seems to have done the trick.
I recently had a malware attack on my system. The main culprite seems to be CinemaPlus-3.3c. The problem seems to be confined to Opera alone with Explorer, Firefox and Chrome unaffected. It was recommended to unistall CinemaPlus via the controle panel which I did and have run all the main Spyware/Adware removal programmes and installed adblocking extensions in Opera none of which have any affect. Opera is virtually unusable with ads and tabs popping up all over the place which is a shame as I much prefere Opera to the other browsers. Has anyone any suggestions please?