@leocg Yes, And Telegram work well on sidebar Opera v 94.0.4606.54 of my another computer. I think it's app
cache, but I don't know how to clear it
Latest posts made by flamispm
RE: Telegram sidebar app not workOpera for computers
Telegram sidebar app not workOpera for computers
All the time when the Telegram sidebar app was added to Opera I used it and all working fine. But after recent update (I have Opera v 94.0.4606.54 on Windows 10 now) I see blank panel when I click Telegram icon on Sidebar panel: http://stylevent.ru/f-s-capt/2023-01-12_120257.jpg
WhatsApp and other app on this Sidebar work well.
What can I do to fix problem? -
Как убрать назойливое предложение сделать Яндекс поисковиком по-умолчаниюРусский
Подскажите, пожалуйста, как убрать вот эту дрянь, появляющуюся регулярно: https://clip2net.com/s/44g67Jg ?