Status: Infected With Malware.
Latest posts made by etanaposti
RE: Opera 33 & 12 are currently showing as hackedOpera for Windows
RE: Upgrading Opera 12 to Opera 32 - Transitioning Smoothly (Windows 8)Opera for Windows all are supported. With C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\pepflashplayer32_19_0_0_228.dll enabled H.264
and WebM VP8 are unsupported. -
RE: Upgrading Opera 12 to Opera 32 - Transitioning Smoothly (Windows 8)Opera for Windows
Also it seems that Maxthon really have a good tab history. If you close tab and then undo it, you still have a full history.
RE: Upgrading Opera 12 to Opera 32 - Transitioning Smoothly (Windows 8)Opera for Windows
It seems that all what i asked in here, works in Vivaldi, so i start to use that or Maxthon.
Even 'double click to close tab' work. Ill wait 3-5 years and then try Opera again. Maybe it will work better then.
Maxthon has most features integrated to it and it has multi columns bookmarks what i coudnt enable in Vivaldi. -
RE: Upgrading Opera 12 to Opera 32 - Transitioning Smoothly (Windows 8)Opera for Windows
You can't, Opera doesn't offer individual support.
atleas i get some support from here^^
Last time i've checked the site it was working fine.
I really meant Youtube, i was too tired, because just watcher 50 hour Halo run for Quinness World Record from Twitch^^
What is the ussue with the page?
Does it happens with extensions turned off?Yes, just tested. If Flash Player Plugin is enabled, ill get that error message 'You browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available' and HTML5 dont work. And that happend only in Youtube.
RE: Upgrading Opera 12 to Opera 32 - Transitioning Smoothly (Windows 8)Opera for Windows
This is an users' forum. Developers may read it and answer sometimes but you should not expect them to answer every topic.
Oh, then how i can contact them? I cant find any contact information from here
RE: Upgrading Opera 12 to Opera 32 - Transitioning Smoothly (Windows 8)Opera for Windows
So, any info about Twitch? And then those favorites (bookmarks)? I dont see any developer messages in this forum, is this even official forum?
RE: Upgrading Opera 12 to Opera 32 - Transitioning Smoothly (Windows 8)Opera for Windows
I have a Opera 32.0 on Windows 7 64bit. And im using Youtube Center extension and it is set to HTML5. Still, if Flash in enabled in Plugins (have to use it because of Twitch), i get this error message in Youtube 'You browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available' and then it reload it as Flash.
If Flash is disabled, i can see HTML5 video in Youtube. -
RE: Upgrading Opera 12 to Opera 32 - Transitioning Smoothly (Windows 8)Opera for Windows
Ok, that wil explain alot. Still, i want to have a full control of my browser. I like to customize it. Now i cant even move stuff in toolbar.
What about HTML5 support? If i have a flash enabled, i cant watch HTML5 videos in Youtube. I tried to find opera://flags/#proprietary-media-types-playback but even that wont work.
Opera was most advanced and fasted browser, but now it seems to be so left behind.
Vivaldi is still alpha. Maybe im forced to use Chrome, i just dont like Google that much. -
RE: Upgrading Opera 12 to Opera 32 - Transitioning Smoothly (Windows 8)Opera for Windows
Settings. Either Alt +P or from the menu.
But there isnt many setting, where is the rest?
Gotta use an extension for that.
You mean bookmarks?
Also, i cant find how i can customize my Toolbars or how i can Show Menu Bar instead of Opera logo.
And if i click link in bookmark bar, how to make it open in the new tab as a default?
That is the problem with Settings, i cant find any setting from there anymoreThere are 'show advanced settings', but that doesent do much... I feel like handicapped with this version^^
I tested this newer Opera, it was Opera 15 i think, and i did have a same problem with that. This is Opera 32, but it doesent seems to developed after that. Or i have just missed something.