Add 'Change color theme' feature to Opera Desktop
A small feature from Opera Mobile that I wished available in Opera Desktop, I liked that feature.
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Add 'Change color theme' feature to Opera Desktop
A small feature from Opera Mobile that I wished available in Opera Desktop, I liked that feature.
Add 'Clear data on exit' feature to Opera Desktop
Just like in Opera Mobile too, it'll be nice (the screenshot is from Opera Android version)
Hi everyone, I have a problem. When I first time installed Opera I noticed there's no Aria icon in the sidebar. When I checked in the settings, I saw the 'Aria in the sidebar' settings is turned off, I toggled it to on and do restart the browser. But Aria still not show up in sidebar, I check again in the settings but it's turned off again by itself. I toggled it on over and over again but with no avail. How to fix it?