Every time I read a thread like this with people whining about their lost mail, or lost bookmarks, etc., it reminds me to update my backup. Already eight days since the last one, so thanks for the reminder.

Close Opera Select the entire profile folder Deselect anything that doesn't need backing up like the cache folders Right-click, add to 7-Zip archive Name with the current date and add a secure password. Copy archive to DropBox, at least two external USB drives, and a folder on the hard drive for quick restore in case of accidents.

Automated backup has been on the wish-list for over a decade, but one still needs to jump through these hoops to do it. It's just hard enough that it doesn't get done daily, as it should.

System wide backup solutions take too long, and are less convenient. You cannot carry an external hard drive in your pocket when you go out in case your PC gets stolen or the house burns down while you're out.