Hi again leocg, just thought I'd followup from our last conversation and that I'd give an update again now that I've had a chance to test drive my Opera 12.18 and again I'm happy to report that all still appears to be functioning as hoped and as expected. In answer to your last question on my update settings, I can only say that I am set to automatic updates, of course this is what they are set to now after the 12.18 update from what had been a 12.17 last install so I cannot say for sure what they were set to prioe when I did not get an alert/notice for the available update/upgrade to 12.18, so it will have to remain an mystery, but I am set to automatic now and unless it gets somehow changed without my knowledge I should remain in touch with any furure notices of updates/upgrades.

On a related note, while I was checking my settings and such, and upon and based from some security advice I have been given in reference to java vulnerabilities and the recommended disabling of java in browsera I did such in my Opera but then upon visiting a site thet uses/requires java I was notified by the site that I am unable to view said site due to java being disabled in my browser. Are you aware of this issue with java and is there a work-around for this or a fix to the java vulnerabilities that you know of so as to be able to have java enabled safely in Opera? I would appreciate your take on this issue.

Also while I am speaking to you, I came to using Opera back in about Version 8 or 9 via having come from using My IE2/Maxthon and having fallen in love with Maxthon by how they introduced and managed tabbed browsing, But then after a while and they no longer continued in that format/platform and went instead to a Google Chrome type design I had to give it up and went looking for a browser like the original Maxthon and found Opera which was as close as I could hope for in the management of tabs so I've been very happy with that stroke of luck. I realize that things evolve and hopefully for the better but sometimes too the 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it' axiom can also apply and newer isn't necessarily always better. What I'm getting at is that to the extent that it applies to me and to the extent that it may be in your power and your input to the powers that be there at Opera, please recommend that they - Opera - continue to support and promote and design upgrades for the Opera 12 format/platform/design. I don't object to some of the new designs out there like cloud based browsers -I use Maxthon Cloud on occasion - and even the Google Chrome design though it is far from my favorite as it uses to many cpu cycles and processes to run and an iteration for every tab you open and it seems too inefficient to and for me. I'm all for innovation but not at the expense of efficiency, friendliness, and ease. Again I hope our input is well received and offers valuable feedback.

Again thank you very much for your help and for your time and consideration. Have a great one to you... Drpepper55