Hi @coolfactor and @gdwarner, Opera uses a custom installer to be able to offer quicker download times (it uses stronger compression not available to standard Apple packages) and more advanced download retrying: this way, the installer itself is very small, but the bigger package that it downloads is both smaller to download then a standard installer and downloading succeeds in more cases.

It also allows us to keep better statistics on downloading, which are extremely useful for a product of Opera's size - for example, we can see if suddenly all downloads are going at half speed from the US, and check if something's happening to our Content Delivery Network partners or on the wider internet that is breaking things for our customers.

But, and this part is the part I think you're interested in: if you don't want or need it, there's no need to use it. On Opera's download page for Mac, http://www.opera.com/computer/mac , you'll see a link that says "Prefer to install Opera later? Download the offline package." The link leads to a standard Mac .dmg file that you can put wherever you like.