I actually just noticed that the top/left side are actually cut off. I'm used to using the fix I noted above so I never watch videos like this, but yeah you can tell that the control box is cut off as well as the code on the LHS
Latest posts made by collinstevens
RE: Videos have a border on the top-hand side and left-hand sideOpera for Windows
RE: Videos have a border on the top-hand side and left-hand sideOpera for Windows
You can see that there is a border which you can see the desktop, but the video isn't cut off. It just seems to not have scaled to full screen. I would have expected it to be cut off at the bottom and the right sides but it isn't.
Videos have a border on the top-hand side and left-hand sideOpera for Windows
When videos are maximized, they have a border on the top-hand side and the left-hand side of the screen. I've upload my DxDiag to dropbox with a shareable link below.
- This only occurs on the monitor that is non-primary (without taskbar)
- If I install a tool that allows me to place tool bars on other monitors, such as UltraMon, the issue fixes itself; although sometimes the task bar gets stuck in front of the video
- This occurs in Chromium and Chrome, but not with Firefox or IE.
- I've tried older versions of Chrome and the issue does not occur
- If the browser itself is NOT maximized on the screen, the issue doesn't occur when I maximize the video
Version information
- 42.0.2393.94 - Opera is up to date
- Update stream: Stable
- System: Windows 7 64-bit (WoW64)
Browser identification
- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36 OPR/42.0.2393.94