@prongs1 See my reply; move to Chrome and create a Tab Group for Pinboards?
Posts made by cirenjules
RE: Syncing workspaces tabsOpera for Windows
RE: Syncing workspaces tabsOpera for Windows
I agree with both your Comments. Opera's implementation of Tab Groups is very poor to put it politely. I couldn't wait any longer and have moved to Chrome; where Google's Tab Groups are what's expected; each Group has a Name, Colour and option to Sync (which reliably works too!!) Whilst Opera is no longer my default browser, I do have a Chrome Tab Group for accessing my many Opera Pinboards
My view is that the Opera Devs have lost their way.
RE: General Opera One Tabs, Tab Islands and Workspaces Feedback TopicTab Islands, Tabs and Workspaces
@marqm I agree - the name needs to remain visible - even if it's vertical inside the Island. My current workaround is to just hover the mouse pointer over an Island; which then opens up a Tab List for that Island (from which you can select a specific Tab). It kinda works but a user defined, permanently display Name would be best imo.
RE: General Opera One Tabs, Tab Islands and Workspaces Feedback TopicTab Islands, Tabs and Workspaces
@marqm I agree. Whoever did the Useability specification for Tab Islands? Whilst hovering over the Island shows the Tabs within it - and with a bit of luck you can select one without opening the Island itself - it's really not a great experience. What's essential is the ability to simply Name an Island. Come on Opera Devs let's make it happen asap!
RE: General Opera One Tabs, Tab Islands and Workspaces Feedback TopicTab Islands, Tabs and Workspaces
@mushin Yes the same happened to me! What a pain :-(. I just added them back in as/when/if I needed the Tab previously associated with a specific Workspace
RE: Syncing workspaces tabsOpera for Windows
There is a one-off Solution for this as outlined in this Post by flysimoo. Whilst the process is the same/similar, perhaps with a later Release of Opera it's a bit easier and quicker, especially if you've many Pinned Tabs in a Workspace. Here's what I did: 1) On your 'From' old system, create Pinboards which reflect the Workspace Name then Add the relevant Pinned Tabs to them 2) On your 'To' new system, make sure you're Logged-on to Opera; you'll see that these Pinboards have properly Sync'd (assuming you've got Sync Configured obv.) then 3) on the 'To' new system, there's a menu option behind the Pinboard 3-dots which allow your to see >>all the Tabs split by Pinboard<< with individual and Pinboard 'tick-boxes'. This makes it very quick to pick a Pinboard and copy all the Tabs to the 'To' new system Workspace of the same name
You do then need to 're-pin' these if you like but again you can select them all then 'pin'.