I have Opera on my computer at home. The person I live with has their own computer and own software, but they and/or visiting family members or friends occasionally need to use my computer to check email, look up movie times or directions, and the like.
The Opera help tutorials include a page talking about maintaining your privacy when you share a computer with a single user account a housemate or family member. However, the Terms of Service quite explicitly forbid sharing the software with any third party, which, if I'm reading it correctly, the TOS defines as anyone other than the person who installed the software.
Does this mean I'm NOT allowed to permit guests or roommates to use Opera on my computer under any circumstances? The TOS indicates that I'm not.
I've seen other posts talking about setting up different Opera profiles for different Windows users. I don't presently have any reason to do that (although I'm curious if it's allowed); I'm talking about situations where a guest says, "Hey, can I check my email while you're in the shower?" or my roommate's computer is malfunctioning and they need to look up why -- that sort of thing.
Are either of those scenarios permitted under the TOS or do I need to insist that people use a different browser?