Of all the links added to mine, only one was to a site I have ever actually visited with the browser, so I don't think I accidentally added any of them.
Posts made by born2bee
RE: Why Does Opera Automatic Updates Place New Speed Dial Entries??Opera for Windows
RE: Did Opera update add items to my speed dials?Opera for Windows
There's another thread here about this as well. I was worried when I saw those speed dials, was wondering if they were malware related. I'm glad to know it wasn't that, anyway. I just deleted them.
RE: Why Does Opera Automatic Updates Place New Speed Dial Entries??Opera for Windows
Oh, I found your post before I started my own thread about this. I'm glad to know it was a normal thing, anyway, and not malware related.
Did Opera update add items to my speed dials?Opera for Windows
My browser on my Windows 8 computer automatically updated this morning to Opera stable 32.0.1948.69. I noticed that there were about 4 speed dial items this morning that I definitely did not put there. I am the only person on this computer who uses this browser. There are 2 people in this household, and the other person hasn't even used this computer at all since yesterday (when those speed dials were definitely not there), not to mention he doesn't use Opera and doesn't know anything about speed dials or how to add them. So how did those speed dials get there? One of them was for ebay, another for a vpn service, another for a travel booking service, and one was Amazon. Of those sites, I have only ever used Amazon on this browser on this computer. So...???
RE: Opera 27 Flash flag Mimics Flash Player Update MalwareOpera for Windows
At the Adobe download page, it does show the Opera browser but there's no indication obvious if you would be getting the PAPPI version of the plugin or not. If you click on "Need Flash player for a different computer", after choosing the operating system, the option comes up to choose PAPPI for Opera or NPAPI for Firefox. What I was wondering is whether or not installing this would have any effect on the installation I have previously done from within the Firefox browser, which still requires NPAPI. (I had never knows there were different versions of Flash, I just assumed the update was global for my entire computer and that separate installations would not be required for each browser.)
RE: Opera 27 Flash flag Mimics Flash Player Update MalwareOpera for Windows
I'm so glad I found this thread! I've scanned my laptop so many times for malware, finding nothing. It's a relief to have this popup explained.
I do have the most up to date version of Flash installed on my computer, but in the Opera settings, it says NPAPI. How do I get the PPAPI version when the Adobe Flash Player website says I already have the most up to date version? And the Flash version I have works just fine in the Opera browser, I just get the popup once a day. Should I download Flash and install it again using the Opera browser this time? And if so, how will that affect the way Flash works in other browsers? Opera is not the default on this computer. DH uses this computer as well and prefers Firefox, so just for ease of use, that is the default browser.
Or should I just go to the experiments setting in the Opera browser and disable the Flash update notification?