I am using Opera Mail (version 1.0.1044) 32-bit on Windows 8 since more than 2 years.
Antivirus AVG
Since a few weeks, each time when I open Opera Mail, I get message about Security Issue on the screen.
I have 3 accounts to check: a company mail, a Yahoo Mail and a GMail. No security issue message for company mail, but for both Yahoo and GMail.
Security Issue message box has 3 tabs (Warning, Security, Details).
For all 3 tabs Approve, Reject, Help can be used.
Under Security I have a few times ticked the V-box (Remember my choice for this certificate), hoping that it would store, but each time I open Opera Mail I receive the same Security Issue message.
Security Certificate valid until 9/20/2018.
Under Details I can go down to Security Certificates (like in a browser). While first ticking the "Remember my choice .." V-box, I have highlighted several of the options in the Server Certificate Chain (under Yahoo/GMail as well as underAVG).
Maybe not the right one?
Although it is not a serious problem, it is annoying that each time the Approve has to be given.
Looking forward to any suggestions how to solve / where to look to solve this message issue.
Thank you