@Thank you for the reply. However, it does not work that way on the iPad. As
I explained on my post, Mobile will allow one to create a folder, even add a book mark to it. I also was able to create a sub-folder but nothing more. Edit allows you to move the position of a bookmark in its current location, but not to a new folder.
In normal browsing mode, bookmarking a site automatically goes to speed dial. To go to a folder in Mobile, you cannot do it directly like you can to speed dial. You must choose Bookmarks instead of the Star (after hitting the 3 dots), then choose Mobile, then open the desired folder and then Done.
With speed dial, you hit the 3 dots and star and done. The use of Mobile is convoluted and non-intuitive plus you cannot move bookmarks directly from the speed dial page to a Mobile folder (or v.v.) without selecting the site and rebookmarking in either direction.
One last point, the "Desktop" option does not change anything from what I can see on an iPad. The larger screen size on the iPad does offer a tad bit more like a desktop than an iPhone. It also seems to get reset to "Off" after doing something after leaving Settings. If you turn it on and then go right back into settings, it will remain set to "On", but after doing a couple of things, it gets reset.
I like Opera over the other browsers, but recent changes have not always been for the good, even the desktop version. BTW, on the desktop, I like to selectively save some history over bookmarking. Most browsers will allow selecting a contiguous section and delete that section. With Opera, one must delete each item individually, which is a real nuisance when you have a large number of contiguous entries. It would be nice if they could address that, both desktop and phones and tablets.
Thank you,
Bob C.