Hello. I still use old 12.17 Opera with Presto because i love some features. Is it possible to add this features in new WebKit (Blink) Opera? Or maybe let users customize this settings.
This features is:
Possibility to select text in link, not only drag link (mouse left/right - select, up/down - drag);
Tab navigation settings (Windows-like in order of use);
Built-in browser proxy settings;
Mouse navigation (right button + wheel);
(I know it's impossible but...) Opera dragonfly - i love it! (or just selection object setting (if i want always select visual object at page) and possibility to search text in all scripts);
Ctrl + left mouse button to save image;
(I know it's impossible but...) Interface customisation (buttons. panels, etc);
Tab grouping.
That's all I can remember right now. Thank you!