@diezi , This looks like it may work, but a Huge pain in the ass.
I mean, why are they just not using the favicon from the site in the first place, or using the main color from the CSS or the image from the robots.txt file or anything that any normal human or crawler would use?
Here is a great example:
You want to save Craigslist and offerup, but both are purple with white letters.
If I google offerup and look at images, all I get are green images: https://www.google.com/search?q=offerup&client=opera&hs=1X0&sxsrf=ALeKk00P1_2hNXOQGxTaEtb5ZAuJE9d7Iw:1600122964855&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwin0KrH2unrAhVkIDQIHbzhDxQQ_AUoBHoECBkQBg&biw=1400&bih=701
The speed dial images are not a random choice, because if I delete it and add it again or do it from another computer, it's the same.
This is a bug and a UX flaw IMHO...
Albeit not life altering, in todays world it is a huge annoyance.