It's becoming increasingly tiresome to try and respond respectfully to these Opera bashers. First off we have the childish use of the word Chopera. There is NO browser by such a moniker other than your fevered minds so please... DEAL with the real world and not one of your own making. Secondly, you can hold on to Opera Presto for the foreseeable future now that the Opera team have updated the security so be happy. Go browse to your hearts' content and be happy. Why hang about here looking for every opportunity to make trouble? Or is this what can be expected of the so-called power-users: that they are essentially troublemakers? You like your Opera Presto which comes complete with everything like a Swiss Army knife and without the need for any extensions. Good for you. Be happy, I know I am with Opera 20. I apply only those extensions that I need and that suits me just fine. I enjoy its speed. I enjoy its compatibility. I enjoy the Stash, Speed Dial and Discover features. I enjoy the FACT that development will continue whereas that is not the case with the former browser which is now dead as far as future development is concerned. I enjoy the clean look of the browser. All in all... Opera has done a marvelous job in the past year and I look forward with anticipation to the coming year. The only dismal spot in this is the continued whining and crying from the Presto crowd.
Some of us enjoy or used to enjoy Opera in the same way as you enjoy Chromepera. For some of us it is a big loss, because web is a big part of our real world. If you don't understand that, you probably can go and use Chrome just the same as IE.