I myself am a programmer which requires reading a lot of documentation, sites, forums, finding text fast. The main browser I'm using a long time now is Opera because I love it and I find it better for surfing and overall UX.
There is just 1 thing, I am lacking that is hitting on my productivity and definitely can be improved - finding text in page or document.
Example scenario:
If you go to that sample link, press Ctl+F (win), Cmd+F (Mac), write 'key', Opera gives you 111 occurrences of the word. Now look specifically for 'key', not 'Keycloak'. That word is at the very bottom of the page and occurs just 1 time.
Hence, if I'm to find my word I'll need to eye-ball every highlighted with 'key' substring word 1 by 1 while scrolling to the very bottom of the page.
I'd really love to have a more option-full list of ways I can extract FAST information from a page. I of course gave you an example I just made up 2min ago but there are much worse scenarios when words overlap, I think you see how that scales.
Mozilla provides proper tooling for fast in-page work-phrase-code-char look-ups and that in Opera is seriously lacking. Which also makes me pop on Mozilla to use these features when developing, which I'd otherwise just not do. Please add it. Mozilla's similar solution \/

In a page allow lookups:
- By whole words - e.g. I look for key - Opera marks only the word 'key' when that's on, not 'keycoak', ; for token - token, not tokenId. Likewise phrases - Mike Carl, not Mike Carlson.
- By Regex - e.g. I'd like to look for two words allowing for others to come in between them. No other browser supports that yet and is powerful for phrase matching (allowed in text editors and IDEs), when you're e.g. looking for translated versions of document or technical phrases.
- Allow for these options to be hot-key selectable.
- Be able to do these in PDF documents. (optional but extremely useful, ik it's more-difficult to implement)
Expected outcomes:
- More efficient and productive work with the browser.
- Less-to-no frustration of scrolling long time, manually eye-balling and even omitting occurrences when trying to find what you're looking for.
- Better UX than the new Edge or Chrome.
- Many people can benefit - journalists, programmers, lawyers, marketers, scientists, students. To this point I add, a simple introduction to the feature (start-up tutorial) would help them use it with confidence.
Feel free to ask me for more information.