Minimalist interface work for OSX and iOS because they were designed that way from the beginning, that's why users love them and patiently will discover "hidden" features.
Microsoft and other vendors having drunk the "latest" UX Koolaid and apparently don't understand why removing ALL of the buttons result in a NON-existant user experience.
Taking away Bookmarks and forcing customers to create yet another cloud account in order to collect more data, show shareholders and advertisers bigger numbers only creates value for Marketing VPs and their Power Point pie-charts.
In the meantime the user is left high and dry - will simply move on to a product they are more familiar with.
If I want more minimalist I'll buy another Macbook with Safari, thank you.
Even Chrome uses bookmarks and offers a minimum of useful menu bar icons.
Until telekinesis-based menus are available, I suggest that Opera's principals stop the Fisher-Price approach to computing. A phased-in approach is how to do this, not alienating a devoted user base cultivated over many years.[/FONT]