I am honestly just curious as to the reason
This is how Chromium, in which Opera is based, works: separated process for different tasks.
If you open Opera's task manager you will see what are those processes.
Thank You
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Download Opera browser with:
I am honestly just curious as to the reason
This is how Chromium, in which Opera is based, works: separated process for different tasks.
If you open Opera's task manager you will see what are those processes.
Thank You
Right on>
Firefox is a different thing. Opera will have one process per tab, plus a process for the UI, and also a process for the background updater. Though it can also have processes for canvas and multimedia elements.
Thank You that clears it up for me.
Hello, can any explain to me why when I open my task manager in windows 10 opera has 12 different processes? Is it a different process for each individual plug in or extension but even then i have only 7 plug ins and extensions(this includes flash and java) and if so why doesnt the firefox browser i have do the same?? I am not complaining although it sounds like it, my opera still runs great, I am honestly just curious as to the reason. Thank You for any input.
I guess need was the wrong word to use since my opera works fine. I guess "Should I have a different version?" would have been a better choice. Thank you for your answer, I appreciate it.
Hello,I just upgraded to windows 10 and in all my files it has a "(32)" beside every mention of Opera. I am assuming this is referring to opera being a 32 bit browser, my question is do i need a different version of opera for my 64 bit system and if so where can i find said version? Thanks for any help you can give.
Also i tried uninstalling opera and deleting all my user files and did a fresh install but no change.
Hello, i recently started playing with this older hp notebook(g60-447cl)running vista home premium. The first thing i did after all the updates was download opera. The only problem i have had is a virus i got from trying to download a screen saver yesterday and after i got rid of the virus(using safe boot and malwarebytes)my vista task bar isnt there any more when i open Opera. I dont know if the prob is on the vista side or the opera side but i do know it is still there when im not using opera(windows homepage) and internet explorer still has it. Any input on the cause and or solution will be greatly appreciated. Thank yoy