often when i use opera i do not see the mobile version of the web page i visit. in safari i do. this should be fixed, the turbo/proxy should use a browser string to animate the server to show the mobile version of the page.
on pages i see the mobile version, because they do not check the brower string, they check the screen width or size, some features ar not working, with safari they do. mostly the menu of the site, e.g. tonoto.ch, the last page i visit and start over to write this feedback.
the next cons for opera is the missing next button when i use a formular. if i fill up more than one field i have to tap outside the field, keyboard is closing, then i tap to the next field, keyboard is comming,... in safari i tap on next and i can start to type in at the next field, that's nice and useful.
with opera i can not see all content of the pages of opera??? some movies at pages about the products are showing "you need flash or a html5 browser"! come on opera, this is not your style. q;o}
the broser itself is a nice one to use, but these bugs/non given feature let me use safari every time and i use opera only to waste some time with testin.
ond now one more: i'm not able to send this feedback in one step. now i type the title 3rd time, and the other option i will not use because they kill the title??? i miss testing on the own ifrastructure!