(So, I know that the title of the post is weird, but I can't find a better description.)
I'm using Opera 30.0.1835.88 with two different profiles: "Main" and "Study". For this, i'm using the Chromium switch/flag "--user-data-dir".
So, some days ago I deleted all the files inside the profile folders, this because I was having an issue with the "ctrl + tab" behavior. But, when I was doing the profile set up again for "Main", I navigated to facebook and to my surprise (in a newly profile) I was already logged into the site! Just to clarify: it was the very first access (no prior login) with the "new" profile, I wasn't logged to "My Opera Account", neither LastPass auto-login is active.
I must admit that this freaked me out! So, I deleted cookies and cache (duh), closed opera, and started again, and this time (thankfully) I wasn't logged to facebook.
One thing to notice is that almost every website in which I was logged before the delete of the former profile files, when I access into them I was already logged.
Anyway, as I said: I deleted all the cookies and cache, and tried to no to think on that.
And I started to configure the other profile (Study). And this time I done a little experiment: I accessed into facebook first.
To my surprise, I already was logged in! So, WTF is going on here? After that I tried to do another experiment, I log off facebook on that profile, closed opera, and started "Main Profile" and, ta-da, I was also logged off!
So, somehow the two profiles were sharing information among them. I want to stop it, no matter what it costs.
As I said i'm using Opera 30, on a Windows 7 x64 machine. The flags used on the shortcuts are "launcher.exe --disk-cache-size=15728640 --user-data-dir="C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Study.profile"
So, if anyone have an idea, please let me know.
Thanks in advance.