The impediment in the way of moving a window, especially once the tab bar is loaded up, is completely ridiculous. Dedicating tho entire top half on window using a 1440 high screen of what passes for the area to move the window to buttons that don't activate when I just want to move the damned window is preposterous.
Get rid of it, or allow a preference to move windows easily, like every other software does.
When a user finds themselves failing to perform such a basic and necessary operation, because of a problem introduced by your designers, and not a problem on any other software I use, or have used for decades, is a sign of complete failure, and unreasonable expectations on your part of you users. Not innovation, irritation.
And by the way, requiring a user to opt in to emails to register to post on a forum is outrageous. You guys might need someone new as product manager for this.