Thanks for the rare good tips..
I immediately installed them.. I hope it does something I need.. Generally I don't install unknowns, but I'm desperate to stop losing the data that I'm losing so much from making stupid silly mistakes.. Genius isn't perfect.. 'Doodoo happens'..
It doesn't matter if an addon, or a net demon corrupts and/or causes glitches, as this is only my crapper Web notebook of seven personal notebooks on the three desks, of a stack of utility notebooks from floor to touching ceiling, and then some.. One notebook goes bad, out comes its hd and ram, and out the back-door the dead notebook goes spinning toward the incinerator.. I strip another notebook off top of the stack, pop-in the old hd, wash it with spray cleaner, and it's system is up'n going again in a couple minutes...
For this Internet crapper notebook I load it fresh with a few fun items (good music, background pix, necessary vids) all uploaded from security backup external hd's.. No matter what happens from the Web I never lose any of my private files, not so much as a pixel, not ever, except for these few YouTube comments occasionally.. The minute the Web book's OS so much as twitches or hiccups wrongly, out comes the few new bits of data, in goes the DBAN CD, then the Linux Mint 19.3 install CD.. In a couple hours it's all back to clean and normal.. Install Opera and the passwords, All Done.. Or I pull one of the already pre-loaded notebook HD's from the box of 100 scrap hard drives..
I can't run a Windows computer on the Web without needing to reset the OS every week, so these three pretty little Microsoft Surface Notebooks are now just big music player 'ipods' and soft-x video players for the workshops.. I am hounded by powerful hell-bound unscrupulous people who Desperately want-to and need-to steal my new alien sciences, to make lots and lots of gagagoogoo yum-yum wee-wee mummy-mummy free money..
I solved the Akashic Records, the Voynich, Life, and the Universe.. I have access to all the science humanity needs to populate this whole universe, and to beat its extinction, and to become a powerful formidable force in this universe, but a few of their moralless elitist demon-bulls seem to believe they can steal it, as opposed to simply providing me with a tiny lab for me to build them all of these amazing thousands of alien sciences for free for them to take ownership of if they wish.. so they get nothing by being moralless, demonic, and criminal.. I can't ever lose private computer data, as the meat is all in notebooks that have their <net-cards removed>: activism notes notebook, pix hobby notebook, music hobby notebook, video hobbies notebooks, art notebooks, and the new sciences-data notebooks, all can't be touched via the internet by cyber-criminals.. They would need to actually physically steal the notebooks, but they wouldn't be able to understand the sciences, not in a million years.. They don't possess the required brains, minds, wits...
I replace this Web-book's OS every three weeks because of petty corrupt infiltration by unscrupulous nations Intel.. Only takes two-hours for a complete customized reinstall of Linux Mint 19.3.. I boycott: LM-20, Firefox, and LibreOffice..
I'm doing my all to try to stop humanity's crazy wars and the major organized crime, and all their kooko stuff that's upon us, and to replace global governance with a good modern honorable system of governance by establishing 'The League of Nations'.. 95% of today's activism, moves, video-games, cartoons, and new science, is all based upon my themes that I've been sending to the Writer's Guilds in real-time.. I am trying to restore humanity to a loving honorable species.. Not an easy task when I must fight all 7-billion of them to do it.. Thank heavens for Opera Browser...
I hope these new addons do what I need done.. I'll be testing them in a few minutes...
I sure am enjoying this state of thee art Amazing Opera Browser.. A lot of hard work, expense, and genius effort went into creating it to be so perfect and so trouble-free, smooth running, and secure.. You good folks must be very proud of it.. Are you real angels inside? The whole world should switch to Opera, and to Linux Mint 19.3, and to Protonmail.. then it would be a much happier humanity world..
What would be real sweet is if there was an Opera Linux Distro, based upon Linux Mint with Protonmail collaboration, but made even better and more secure than Mint is.. That OS would own the whole world's communication systems, I'm sure...
Can its install ISO be ready for download tomorrow at noon, please..?
I highly recommend Opera to the whole world... It doesn't any better than Opera...
Just checking.. It's been a couple seconds.. Is the Opera OS ISO almost ready..?