Халло Вован,
я предполагаю это какието актуальные баги у них. У меня на винде не могу писать в поисковые окна типа гоогла пока не перестартану оперу.
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Халло Вован,
я предполагаю это какието актуальные баги у них. У меня на винде не могу писать в поисковые окна типа гоогла пока не перестартану оперу.
so do you ever plan to free up the literal y for a custom search engine or not?
yeah, that papperflashplugin was missing, now is working. thanks!
Hello, I have installed opera 28 but can't make flash player running on it. I tried the manual
First option seems obsolete since there are no such settings to chose from second option doesn't work either since there is no such a path. I have checked the info and the given paths there, but I still couldn't find the plugin path.
Version: 28.0.1750.40 - Opera is up to date
Update stream: Stable
System: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (x86_64; XFCE)
Browser identification
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.76 Safari/537.36 OPR/28.0.1750.40
Install: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera
Profile: /home/namal/.config/opera
Cache: /home/namal/.cache/opera
I was thinking the same, weird name.
Ok, I have done some thinking. Vivaldi was a componist and he wrote some operas
I don't like the name though...vivaldi..I wonder who and how they came up with that name
yes I did, since it is the main thing what pisses me off about opera
Hello, I just noticed that I still have the 12.x beta in which I am allowed to set shortcuts for the search engines as I like. Is it still possible to do so in 27 or is it the same as in the windows version since you say that the linux version comes with all the "features" of the windows version.
so I heard about that new opera beta for linux and I tried it out. I was amazed how good it was, especially that "Y" was fully available and I could assign it as I was pleased. So I want back to windows and installed the windows version just to be disappointed again. It seems it is too difficult or even impossible to let people dicide what letter they want to assign for a search engine.