Any Admin around, why closed Opera blog?
A Former User last edited by
Now it makes even less sense!
For someone interested if this topic isn't deleted:
Announcement: My Opera is closing 3d of March. -
mgmgdgtd last edited by
He said "opera" not "myopera" and I must say that it has a sense of humor more rafinated than you do. :))
mgmgdgtd last edited by
Btw, why do you think that they shut down MyOpera on 3rd of March since A.Vivaldi was born on 4rth?
A Former User last edited by
He said "Opera blogs".
Haha, I don't know about this coincidence. Remember the first planned date for closing My Opera was 1st March Saturday? Then they moved the date to 3rd March Monday. I see it as a pure staff availability decision.
mgmgdgtd last edited by
... or it's a mockery ('internal joke' in Opera's Petit Larousse) but believe it or not this amical game is a mockery too as a marketing strategy. Really, how many ex-loyal users may think that Vivaldi Tech (with 'our man' on top they say) are in opposite side vis-a-vis Opera ASA (chrome guys of course)? I answer: too many and so it should.