Overview while switching tabs with Ctrl+Tab
Deleted User last edited by
today I've updated my opera browser from version 12.17 to 27! In the old version there was a function to which I was accustomed: While pressing Ctrl + Tab keys the next tab wasn't opened directly, there came an overview and I could choose the tab I want very very fast by pressing the tab key again and again. Also I could go back to the previous opened tab by pressing ctrl + tab. Now it always opens the next tab in the tab-list. That's not good. This is unusable.
I've searched for an app/addon, but only found this: https://addons.opera.com/de/extensions/details/opera-12-like-tab-switcher/?display=en
This is what I want, but it does not work in the current opera version.Is there any way to get these features from old opera back?:
- pressing ctrl + tab shows an overview for choosing the correct tab
- ctrl + tab switches through the tabs in this order in which they were previously viewed.
lando242 last edited by
Not by default, no. New browser, new way of doing things. Currently the way its setup by default is that Ctrl+Tab cycles right and Ctrl+Shift+tab cycles left. You can also use the 1 and 2 keys to do the same thing as long as you don't have a text box focused.
That said, you can install Chrome extensions in Opera without too much trouble. Try the 'Download Chrome Extension' from the Opera extensions store and then try this thing: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/clut-cycle-last-used-tabs/cobieddmkhhnbeldhncnfcgcaccmehgn
It changes the way tabs cycle and might do what you are looking for. Give the whole Chrome store a once over though, I only did a quick search. -
A Former User last edited by
Do you know about the "Tab Menu" feature?
There's a down arrow in the end of the tab bar, it used to be were the tabs "trash can " were in the old Opera but now it'll display a list of the open tabs with thumbnails as you hover them. That's the closest to that setting that you'll get right now I guess.
Deleted User last edited by
thanks for your answers.
Thats useless nonsense. I've deactivated that "feature". I don't need a tab menu - I have my tabs at the top of the browser window and see them always!!!-.-
lando242 last edited by
Dude, people are just trying to be helpful. You don't need to be a jerk back to them. Keep it up and you will find that people will very quickly stop replying to your posts at all.
Deleted User last edited by
I've said "thanks for your answers" and I've told my opinion to the feature "Tab menu". If you have a problem with my last answer, it's not my problem.
A Former User last edited by
Is there any way to get these features from old opera back?:
pressing ctrl + tab shows an overview for choosing the correct tab
Via Ctrl+TAB no but Tab Menu is exactly that. No nonsense here.
ctrl + tab switches through the tabs in this order in which they were previously viewed.
I didn't see that one previously. Access the opera://flags page, enable the tab cycle/activation one and restart.
I don't need a tab menu - I have my tabs at the top of the browser window and see them always!!!
So why do you need an overview, which is exactly what the Tab Menu gives you? :sherlock:
Deleted User last edited by
sorry, mein Englisch ist hier am Ende. Ich spreche von nichts Anderem als von dem Funktonsumfang, den das Tab-Browsen im alten Opera 12.17 hatte. Dabei wurde während dem Gedrückthalten von Strg+Tab eine Übersicht inmitten des Bildschirms mit sämtlichen geöffneten Tabs angezeigt. Durch Drücken der Tab-Taste (Strg weiterhin gehalten) konnte man die nächsten Punkte bzw. Tabs in dieser Übersicht (Liste) anwählen. Sobald man die gedrückten Tasten losgelassen hat, wurde dieser Tab ausgewählt. Die Übersicht beinhaltete die Tags in der Reihenfolge, in der sie zuletzt geöffnet wurden.
Das Tabmenü welches Du angesprochen hast bietet m. M. nach nur die Möglichkeit, alle Tabs von oben nach unten gelistet anzuzeigen, anstatt nebeneinander wie sie oben sowieso schon sind. Also völlig sinnlos.
Just install Opera 12.17. and open 6, 7 or 8 tabs and try switch these tabs with ctrl+tab if you don't know what I mean.
Thanks for the tip with the "cycle" function on opera://flags. That makes it a lot easier.
Btw - another topic, but: I had 2 opera windows, one with only 1 website opened, the other with many tabs. I've closed all windows and restarted opera (for making the tab cycle function active). In the settings I had the option "Beim Starten: Fortsetzen wo Opera beendet wurde". So I thought all my opened tabs were available after the restart - but no...
lando242 last edited by
Nope, it only reopens tabs from the last active window, not all windows. Look into Session Buddy, its a much better session tool. You can install it in Opera using the 'Download Chrome Extension'.
A Former User last edited by
sorry, mein Englisch ist hier am Ende
Ok I got what you meant using an online translator. A tab list in recently used order is not available in Opera natively ATM, sorry.
Nope, it only reopens tabs from the last active window, not all windows.
Exactly. This is exactly how Opera 12 worked too. To "save" all the open windows you must use the Opera menu -> Exit (Ctrl+Shift+X).
Deleted User last edited by
Thanks for the answers. The tip with the "cycle" function has made my life very easier.