noob question - sorry it's so lame - about trash view in Opera Mail
operawill2 last edited by
Trying to get a handle on the View function. Understand that all emails are in one place, and by selecting view you get to see the portion of them in that "view".
However, inadvertently deleted emails (moved to trash) and now, cannot view the trashed emails to try and restore.
Working hard to make Opera mail work for me, but it's a struggle. Any help for this noob?
A Former User last edited by
If it's the same as the mail built into Opera 12.17, as I believe it is, if you have "all messages" selected under the "view" option, there should be a "deleted" folder listed along with received, spam, unread, sent etc.
Your deleted messages should be there.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Like other views, "All Messages/Trash" has "show" options. Click on the "settings for this view" button on the toolbar above the "All Messages/Trash" message list, goto the "show" section and make sure "Show trash" is set. Also, make sure any others that need to be checked are.
For IMAP specifically, what happens depends on whether you have an a trash folder set on the "IMAP" tab in the account's properties. If you do, when you press DEL, it moves the messages to the IMAP trash folder that's set and "All Messages/Trash" just shows what the IMAP trash folder view shows. Deleting a message in the trash gets rid of it.
If an IMAP trash folder is not set, pressing DEL just adds the \Deleted flag to the messages. In this case, "All Messages/Trash" shows messages with the \Deleted flag on them. Then, when you delete a message in the trash or empty the trash, those messages are expunged (gone forever). Note that in this mode, even though messages that are marked as \Deleted don't actually get moved to another IMAP folder, the messages are still hidden from views besides "All Messages/Trash" because those views don't have "Show trash" checked.
Also note that Shift + DEL on a message does a combo. It moves the message to the trash and then wipes in out in one shot. This works with IMAP too. However, when an IMAP trash folder is set, don't do this with a big selection of messages as it'll trigger a bug and cause inconsistencies in the database.
Long short short, if Opera's database still knows about the messages, the messages are still marked as being deleted and the "All Messages/Trash" view index isn't messed up, you should be able to see your deleted messages there without a problem.
You can check "Show trash" for other views like "All Messages/Received" temporarily if you want to see if they show up there.
Also note that for POP, there are settings in the account's properties that controls how deleted messages are handled.
Also note that for IMAP, if you mark messages as \Deleted and then access your account via another client (a webmail for example), if that client automatically expunges \Deleted messages, your trash messages in Opera will be automatically deleted on you by the webmail / other client.