Syncing open tabs from android to PC
rocendroll last edited by
Hi, I wanted to clean my phone a little, from all of the opened tabs - and figure out that it would be easier to make it done from a bigger screen, mainly monitor on my PC.
So I wanted to sync the tabs.
I went into profile options on my phone's Opera, then "Sync and backup" and enabled the connection to PC via VRcode. On both devices I chose only the opened tabs.First problem - If i wouldn't find this topic
I wouldn't have a possibility to enter opera://activity and se the tabs
I deduce that dev team must have put somewhere a way to enter the tabs but I don't see it - it's not visible for the user. I would have been stuck and abandon the task at this point because of that.Second problem - tabs from my phone doesn't seem to be in order as they are on my phone. It's important, because they are mostly grouped there by the topics (when I was searching about something I opened several tabs). Having this messed up, gives me a problem now of sorting 100 tabs which I'm not going to do. To make things more intresting, on my phone tabs from my PC are in order....
Third problem - I cannot open all of the tabs at once. It would have been so much more convenient to just have it selectable like bookmarks in the bookmarks menu. Just drag the mouse, select many, right click and open. Why, just why Opera?
Fourth problem - I turned sync off, and I was still able to see tabs from both devices, WTF Opera?
Fifth problem - it would be good to see how many tabs synced, to compare it number of opened tabs on a device