search suggestions in opera 27
zapiska last edited by
hello everyone!
is there some possibility in new Opera to add search suggestions to search engines?
so, in previous versions of Opera there was a file search.ini, where it had been possible.
for example for Google search we could add something like:Suggest Protocol=JSON
Suggest URL={SearchTerm}
so can we add these search suggestions in Opera 27?
Deleted User last edited by
- Open "C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\27.0.1689.76\resources\default_partner_content.json"
- Search at your location the related search engine
- Search settingg for related engine
- Edit the settings for your need
zapiska last edited by
Open "C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\27.0.1689.76\resources\defaultpartnercontent.json"
Search at your location the related search engine
Search settingg for related engine
Edit the settings for your needok..thanks, but after editting this file and launching Opera all the DEFAULT search engines are disappearing and there is remainig only one Google search. moreover it is happening after any editting this file, even if i'm deleting one symbol and then enter it again and save file.
and, as far as i understand, this file contains only default search engines (which are already with search suggestions) and i need to edit my personal search engines - and there're none of them in this file. so, they have to be in another one?
zapiska last edited by
oh, thanks for the great advice, but there is no opportunity to add search suggestions in these settings. so, that's why i wrote this post.
lando242 last edited by
I don't know what you are asking. If you have a search engine added to Opera, like google, it automatically does suggestions if the search engine supports it. For example: if I type 'g chicken' in my address bar, first I see a list of bookmarks that contain the word chicken in their url, then I see a list of google suggestions. In this example I see 'chicken recipes - google', 'chicken and dumplings - google', 'chicken and tortilla soup- google', etc, etc. So if you have it added in the search engine list it should work.
zapiska last edited by
Well, no, it works only for default (pre-installed) search engines. But if i add search engine by myself - there will be no search suggestions within it. Even if i add one more google search (that is one of the default search engines and has search suggestions) with another key word, for example "p", and then will type in address bar "p chicken" there will be no any suggestions.
lando242 last edited by
Well, then I guess you can't do it then. Sorry. Not terribly surprising. The search feature in Opera is not anywhere near complete.