Good to have Opera in comparison to the rest
McTesch last edited by
As a long time user of Opera, I'm very happy that it exists and hopefully will in the future.
Although I like to try different browsers I keep coming back to Opera for a reason. It's still the one I like the most and has the features I need.
I've tried Chrome which is decent and easy. But it lacks some of the refined features Opera has.
I've tried Edge which isn't bad, really. Maybe even my alternative if there were no Opera. But still, Edge is just do Microsoftish for me and pushing its services just too hard on the user.
I've tried Vivaldi which is a wonderful niche browser with so many features and options. But whenever I tune it to my needs, it looks very much like my Opera set up which is more fluent and straight. And I'm missing Aria in it, really. Otherwise very decent browser and decent people developing it.
I've tried Brave. Well, it's fast and clean, almost too clean. I don't mind Crypto as you can easily disable it. But I often get the impression that it's a browser for Crypto first and anything else comes second. And I don't like its take on Google as they are heavily reliant on Chromium which although Open Source is mainly from Google.
Last, I've tried Firefox. It's a nice browser. But it lacks the sidebar and I run into incompatibilities now and then. So, I'd rather stick to Opera.I don't think, Opera is perfect. I'd like them to upgrade quicker to recent Chromium updates just for security reasons. And I still would like there not being a Chinese company holding the majority stakes on the company.
Still, they have my trust, though. And I will stay with Opera as long as I won't be disappointed.
erdinc53 last edited by
@McTesch Hi, I'm also an old Opera fan. Opera has already bought back all shares in its Chinese partners in 2022. Then I went back to my old friend Opera.
So relax.
erdinc53 last edited by
@McTesch I also tried Vivaldi after Chrome, but the UI elements are too small and does not have animations, works like wood. Opera has great animations and unique design since the Presto engine.
I was using Opera before I became a member. I could pass the internet bans at my school only with Opera.
McTesch last edited by
@erdinc53 Vivaldi is some way or another what one may call the "spiritual heir" of the old Opera. Which doesn't automatically mean, that it is better. But I get, that some people are looking for something like it.
Vivaldi has a really good reputation. They've never been involved in a scandal and you can customize so much in it. It's of course by some of the original development team of Opera.
I also get what you're saying about the "wood". In Vivaldi there's almost too much to adjust. And, actually, I wouldn't want to have an email client in a browser, let alone a calendar. In my opinion they maybe have wasted precious time when including that. But some were very happy to get it.
To be honest some years ago I used Vivaldi for a while. But it was a resource hog then and made my PC becoming wild. And it didn't play well with my ISP for some reason.
Since then I'm a very happy user of Opera. Although I take a look here and there - still coming back here.
Thank you so much for this kind and friendly exchange of thoughts.