Custom background wallpapers
DerHimmelssheriff99 last edited by
On my Samsung Tablet - after a reinstall of Opera - I can‘t set a custom wallpaper from my own Google Photos account. It worked before and I‘m also shown all of my photos, I can even select them. But after that, I get an error message: „Picture could not be loaded. Please control your internet connection.“
This is strange, because it worked with previous installations. It worked with Vivaldi. And I could even load two or three ransom pictures which I only chose for testing purposes. But only these handful of photos.
I tried to set VPN, even changed DNS server, connected to my mobile phone as to use its mobile connectivity. But all of this didn’t help. So I‘ve chosen one of Opera‘s pre-selected ones and that’s reasonably ok, but I‘d like to set my own of course. Does anybody have the same issue and even a solution?