Speed Dials open in a background tab
eeycat last edited by leocg
a couple days ago, i randomly hit my mouse against one of my speakers, and the browser went white, and then it dragged one of the tabs i had open, to be an individual one out of the window i was using, (with multiple tabs). and nothing really changed, but now when im on the speed dial, and i middle click one/any of the shortcuts, it wont open them in a new tab in the background. it still makes the click animation, but it doesnt open them, instead, i have to double click it, with the middle click (scrolling wheel) for it to open it/them in a new tab.
i dont have that issue with regular sites, the middle click does work like usual, it just happens to not do the same in the speed dial. dunno if i randomly f*cked something without realizing or what.
comments appreciated