Opera GX is not able to watch my Twitch stream from Streamlabs
FlameAtGames last edited by
The other day I was streaming from Streamlabs Desktop to Twitch, and Opera GX wouldn't open it with Twitch giving error #4000. Viewers on Chrome, Brave, etc. could watch it without an error message. I switched the stream to Youtube and there was no issue with any browser. I streamed directly from OBS to Twitch and there was no issue. This is very specifically an issue relating to Streamlabs, Twitch, and Opera GX.
I tried switching encoders, nothing.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Opera GX as a whole, nothing.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Windows Media Feature Pack, nothing.
I tried clearing all of my cache, nothing.
I closed all other media players in the background, nothing.
I uninstalled all of my browser extensions, nothing.
I tried using the popout, nothing.
I switched my output devices, nothing.
I updated all of my drivers, nothing.
I flushed the DNS cache, nothing. -