What is the shortcut for Mode Turbo in Op. 26?
jazei last edited by
What(/Which) is (the new)the shortcut for Mode Turbo in Op. 26? Alt+O isn't any more, see:
Alt+O opens about Op.26 page
l33t4opera last edited by
Hi @jazei, when I press Alt key, and release it, and then press o, it switches Opera Turbo, and when I press Alt, and release it, and then press a, it opens opera:about page
jazei last edited by
Hi @jazei, when I press Alt key, and release it, and then press o, it switches Opera Turbo, and when I press Alt, and release it, and then press a, it opens opera:about page
Hi @l33t4opera when I press alt + a it opens new tab. and Alt + o opens about page. the Op. version language changes shortcuts.
but the Developers don't interest Turbo Mode, I posted about the importance Op.Turbo and its shortcut, but nothing.