When moving a tab to the far right, it automatically gets moved all the way to the left
Kilroy-WasHere last edited by leocg
When moving a tab to the far right, it automatically gets moved all the way to the left
Specifically, if I try to move a tab to be the right-most tab, it will move itself all the way to the left.
lethewaters last edited by
@kilroy-washere I've had the same issue. So far I have not heard or seen of a fix since June.
dyaroshenko last edited by
@lethewaters this problem is over a year old, and it comes from the regular version of Opera. I noticed that this problem occurs when you have more than one workspace (and it seems to be the same for the islands) - the tabs start moving in random order (you want to move or open in the middle or behind a certain one - and it opens anywhere but where you want). If you delete/close another workspace, everything starts working normally. I submitted a bug report about this over a year ago, but the problem is ignored and still exists even when they released Opera One (and I don't use either workspace or islands because of this).