How do I use Flow with an Android phone?
moppera last edited by leocg
Well, I used to use it, but out of a sudden flow is disconnected without a reason. And here begins the trouble for my stupid mind. First: I forgot how I synchronized desktop and mobile Opera in the good old days. Clicking desktop Opera's flow icon offers a simple solution: just scan the qr-code with opera and here you are, nothing further to do. Great. So, how do I scan the code with Opera?
The help says there should be an option in the menu of the mobile opera. What can I say, there is none. Any other way? Enter the connection code manually. Great. I see a bunch of numbers and letters, 20 to be precise, some black, some, blue, some red - shall I use all of them? Only the red ones? For experienced Opera users that is obviously standard knowledge, so there is no further explanation given. Anyone knows how that works, right? I feel a bit excluded here. And even if I knew how to use the letters and numbers I still don't know where I should enter the connection code.
Searching the internet for a while, astonishing: there is no real answer to that either not so easy or overwhelmingly stupid question: how can I see the items I saved on my phone in the desktop browser. All I find: "It's so easy and simple, Opera does it all alone you don't have to do anything. No need for a password, no email. " Oh, how I would love to need an email and password, if it just would connect my phone to my laptop. Must I say some abracadabra? Search the internet for another hour? Only to find: "If you go to the page, the QR code will appear, which you only need to scan with the Android browser - the reader can be found in the browser's sidebar."
Too bad, it does not.
I give up. My phone has a simple text editor. I can type in the URLs I want to use with my desktop browser and copy them manually. That works within seconds, great solution. -