O27: I can't use Adobe Flash Player plugin in Opera
vinczej last edited by
Thanks linuxmint7 ! I've read and followed your instructions. I installed the appropriate version of Flash Player (PPAPI). It can pick up and use both Chrome and Maxthon (Chromium), but not Opera Chromium versions.
Info: I reinstalled Windows XP. Earlier I could use Flash Player in Opera, too, but after the reinstalling of Windows I can't.
Deleted User last edited by
I have that since the implementation of pepper flash, I don't know what to do anymore. Today I reinstalled Opera beta and developer, and nothing changed.
vinczej last edited by admin
I've found this forum post, and it helped me! (I actualized the proper version numbers, of course)
But this is an ugly resolving. Why can't Opera find the proper plugin automatically?
Info: WinXP32, SP3, O26.1656
A Former User last edited by
I've had the same issue and it has been pretty difficult to resolve, even with the instructions above, because of spaces and quotes. For those who face the same issue, here is the shortcut target that I entered.
"C:\PortableApps\Opera DevR\launcher.exe" --ppapi-flash-path="C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\pepflashplayer32_16_0_0_228.dll" --ppapi-flash-version=""
Now it works, after hours of struggle...
Thanks to all who contributed.
4truico last edited by
Sorry sidneyneto, Opera26 Beta did not fix the problem: Adobe Flash is still not recognized. Is this Opera's hint to quit using Ubuntu? If so, I will install another browser.