Oprea closes tabs everytime i download something
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@mrbluegame333 Okay. That one is easy to test. Installing the https://github.com/thesupersonic16/HedgeModManager/releases/tag/7.10 and clicking the 1-click install link on https://gamebanana.com/mods/432093 reproduces the issue. In this case, the one-click install link uses the
protocol. But, the HedgeManager also supports hedgemmtenpex, hedgemmrainbox, hedgemmmusashi, hedgemmlw, hedgemmhite, hedgemmgens, hedgemmforces, and hedgemm.Just trying to figure out what protocol the uses for the mods at https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition. I only see manual download links on those mod pages. I also can't set up https://github.com/ModOrganizer2/modorganizer all the way without any games to test if it registers any protocol in the Windows registry. But, I'm sure it's the same underlying issue.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@mrbluegame333 It's the same issue. As in, these are all non-specific protocol link bugs.