Opera12 does not work anymore with google groups !!
Deleted User last edited by
Hi all,
since few days i'm not able to browse anymore Google Groups with Opera 12 , it returns 'Browser not supported' or something like that, are you experiencing the same issue ?
I'm trying Opera Next (google groups is working here) but it's really horrible , how in the earth such browser could be released?
It lacks ALL great features found in Opera12 which is the best ever browser done ! There's no Opera Link, no email/newsgroup client, i cannot find also where bookmars are !! And if i want to import old bookmarks , I have to put them in speed dial MANUALLY one by one, are programmer at Opera completely crazy ?? Please tell me there's some hidden features that i cannot find otherwise is completely out of the world this Opera Next!
To barely replicate all Opera12 features i had to switch to Firefox using many extensions !!
I'm really speechless about this new development direction taken by Opera, hope in future opera team will integrate again all those very usefull features otherwise Opera Next is only garbage of any use at all.
Sorry for hard language but that's what i think , i'm using Opera since 10+ years and now i have to move onto different browser for clearly wrong development decision!Cheers,
Giacomo -
blackbird71 last edited by
That Google site is browser-sniffing for brands and versions it deems suitable (ie: which it has tested) for its code. Unless you can custom-craft a browser UserAgent string that the site accepts (there is software that can do that, but it's not trivial), you're stuck with the situation for Old Opera versions. I've tried the site with Opera 12.14's masking options and, while the site reads the spoofed browser-brands correctly, it kicks them out as being obsolete versions of those spoofed brands. Even then, if the site is also using JavaScript (which it requires) to do additional browser sniffing and cross-comparisons, even a spoofed UserAgent string with the right version information will not work.
Regarding your complaints about the New Opera versions, they've all been made before, repeatedly, and with even far stronger rhetoric by some users, for months on end. Seriously. Nevertheless, Opera's decision has been made, the developers are moving along new directions dictated by that decision, and they're going to do what they're going to do. All web browsers are free in the current era. So as a user, you face a choice: stay with Old Opera and live with its increasing obsolescence, adopt a new browser (either outside of Opera or its new Blink Opera versions), or some combination of both of these. In any event, things change in life, and browsers are just a part of it all. Old Opera is passing away, the New Opera of today may or may not be the same tomorrow as it is today. Realize that any choices you make about browsers right now will all themselves be subject to unforseeable change impacts tomorrow or beyond. As an old saying goes: hold no thing so close that you can't bear to let it go when the time arrives.
A Former User last edited by
Google groups seems to be working fine here with Opera 12.16.
I have it set to Masquerade as Firefox.
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by blackbird71:
That Google site is browser-sniffing for brands and versions it deems suitable (ie: which it has tested) for its code. Unless you can custom-craft a browser UserAgent string that the site accepts (there is software that can do that, but it's not trivial), you're stuck with the situation for Old Opera versions. I've tried the site with Opera 12.14's masking options and, while the site reads the spoofed browser-brands correctly, it kicks them out as being obsolete versions of those spoofed brands. Even then, if the site is also using JavaScript (which it requires) to do additional browser sniffing and cross-comparisons, even a spoofed UserAgent string with the right version information will not work.
Regarding your complaints about the New Opera versions, they've all been made before, repeatedly, and with even far stronger rhetoric by some users, for months on end. Seriously. Nevertheless, Opera's decision has been made, the developers are moving along new directions dictated by that decision, and they're going to do what they're going to do. All web browsers are free in the current era. So as a user, you face a choice: stay with Old Opera and live with its increasing obsolescence, adopt a new browser (either outside of Opera or its new Blink Opera versions), or some combination of both of these. In any event, things change in life, and browsers are just a part of it all. Old Opera is passing away, the New Opera of today may or may not be the same tomorrow as it is today. Realize that any choices you make about browsers right now will all themselves be subject to unforseeable change impacts tomorrow or beyond. As an old saying goes: hold no thing so close that you can't bear to let it go when the time arrives.
Hi Blackbird, thank you for your reply, yes now Opera 12.16 works again if masked as Firefox , and i'm very happy to using back again my loved Opera 12
I don't usually lurk so much opera community so i thought was a lonely voice against new development direction but I see there's a lot of users compliants, the reason i can see is because simply and plain Opera12 is the best browser actually around for all the features that carry with it.
I know that sooner or later i'll have to move on to something different but it's very sad to see that all that amazing works done up to Opera 12 is going through wc. My only hope is that Opera Next slowly will incorporate all features as in Opera12 in the meantime i'll continue to use it as much as i can.Cheers,