Adblock for YouTube™ — best adblocker
Hattyfatner last edited by
Yeah, I write alot...
But 4999 characters is the limit, so I will go on a bit...
The cookie business may even be a response to excessive ad-blocking by money and capitalism-outraged internet dwellers.
These cookie trackers are so invasive that the law does require clicking consent to enable what would otherwise be a simple setting such as signing into an account, but they go much further than that.
That is why sites pretend they are being transparent, when in truth they would prefer to not be requiring consent to track your activity.
Cookies are in fact on the way out as new laws are creaking into position and reluctance and blocking comes from fear of disrupting what is now such a large industry in the tech economy.
But they literally block content behind large obstructing windows, demanding your choices are made before continuing.
These cookie trackers are incredibly invasive to your privacy, but if Channel 4 can demand it of you and refuse serving content until you have consented to your browsing history being tracked, there needs to be an amount of allowance.
No business has a right, especially Channel 4, which enjoys government funding, to track your every online move.
So the next step for the Privacy Protection tool is negating window overlays that block content before you have consented to cookie tracking.
The arms race continues as company's attempt to isolate the content based on digital signatures and preferred users or regions behind code that is obscured, even to the browser and generated at the point of delivery using gated rendering systems that offer no source code to be read and indexed into search engines.
I go on a bit.
But ad's aren't innately evil.
DragonFury128 last edited by
Works pretty well! You still get about a second of ad before it kicks in, but that's way better that having to go through the whole thing. I was a little disappointed to find it doesn't seem to work with Opera's sidebar Player (at least not in YT Music mode), but it's not a huge deal to just open a tab and point it to All-in-all, a pretty nice extension.
PeterNorth95 last edited by
I like it very much! Sad though that we live in times when ad's are a virus. Kudos to developers!!!
GabiLopes77 last edited by
The best for Opera users! I really like it, the creators did a grat job, big thanks to them!
Puppet4185 last edited by
Great, makes my browsing fucking awesome, I hate YT now with the constant distractions, and it has gone too far with it's hatred for our own so-called "Time" efficiency. They have ruined a great platform with too many distractions and are just Googles' lil' B#$%h, so they also track too much shit, I assume.
SaliqKhan last edited by
As of March 16th, 2025, 5:58 IST the extension works flawlessly.
I have recommended it to my friends and I hope the developers continue to make this adblocker work the way it needs to.Thank you, good devs, for this.
IzurAkas last edited by
March 17th, 2025. It really saved a lot of my watch time on the site. In the words of a certain someone:
"All of this, just works!"
antiix last edited by
@Hattyfatner am from UK to , same problem - need turn off adBlocker,if am want wath youtube. am thing in UK only this problem . What am do - off from acount youtube , and wath video with no problem , uk youtube dont like adblocker in acount . if you guest can not swith off adBlocker