Implement Webauthn Support
amazingca last edited by
I wasn't so sure whether this should be filed as a bug or not, however I wanted to suggest that the Opera team allow for Webauthn QR code connections. At this moment, the option to use a QR code to authenticate is not available on Opera's flagship desktop browsers. If you try to establish a new remote Webauthn request, the QR code box shows up blank. I've attached a image for this:
I'm not sure whether this was intentionally left out or not – normal security key authentication works fine. However, if this was intentionally left out, here are my reasons for suggesting it be enabled:
In this day and age, security is becoming more and more critical. As past methods for security (like passwords) become more susceptible to brute force and other forms of authentication spoofing, we must in turn develop and adapt new forms of technology that battle against it. One solution is Webauthn, which uses on-board security chips in phones and security keys to verify that you are indeed the owner of your account. Opera is one of the few who have implemented new web technologies, such as a built-in crypto wallet, into their browsers. I believe that Webauthn is an essential technology that should also be implemented into their browsers.
As far as user experience goes, I would use Opera entirely if this feature was available. I use Webauthn for a majority of my internet accounts, where I have their credentials stored on my phone. Unfortunately, I am unable to use them with Opera. I understand that Opera is built on top of Chromium, so this might be something out of your hands. However, if this is something that can be implemented/fixed, I highly suggest that you look into it.