Opera GX Eating up all of my memory (Macbook)
BoxOfFr1es last edited by
I have been getting some memory problems on my macbook but I thought it was just a software issue. I checked the activity monitor and it said that there were over 20 things called "opera helper (renderer)" that was using between 40 and 200 mb of memory and something called opera helper (GPU) that used 2 gb of memory. I tried closing all of my tabs and removing all of the sidebar things but nothing seems to work Please help -
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@boxoffr1es All those processes are normal.
What sites usually trigger high RAM usage? Youtube and Disney+? Only with Opera's adblocker turned on?
BoxOfFr1es last edited by
@burnout426 I dont know what sites use high ram. I dont use operas ad blocker but I use an external one. I usually only have 3 tabs open at a time though.