[Duplicated][Request]Click-through option for Pop out videos
Fritterz last edited by
I only have a single monitor and like to watch videos while I'm doing something monotonous in a game, being able to pop out a video and watch it on the corner of my screen is great but if I'm playing a first person shooter then it can cause problems as when I go to look down and to the right to shoot something, the mouse hovers over my popped out video and doesn't actually do anything.
Allowing a popped out video to be click-through means this issue would be resolved for myself and lots of people like myself who do the same thing when playing games.
Binding it to a hotkey would make it easy to do, or it could also be added as a check-box inside the popped out window's settings option, much like the transparency setting, which would be auto-disabled when you alt+tab back into it.
Keellaeth last edited by
We need this, I have the same problem. Feature is great but becomes problematic when you face dire situations in game because you click the pop-up window accidently or when you are looking around in game mouse goes that window etc...