[Request] Focus Mode/Auto-Hide sidebar and address bar
can-with-beans last edited by leocg
Hi all,
As a student, I feel that the best way to work on research projects often ends up with my screen split up to display multiple pages at the same time, and with not much real-estate on my laptop it is a pain to always be scrolling despite there being an abundant amount of space that Could be used if the bookmarks, tabs, and URL bar were not in the way. A handy feature that could be very beneficial to many users, that other browsers such as Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome have is the ability to auto-hide the address bar. As a long time user of Opera GX (because it just has so many more useful features), it feels like this was an oversight in design and could be implemented easily. I've only just come to this conclusion after picking up a laptop to use for school and realized how much space I lose on a 15" screen compared to on my desktop setup's 24". Calling this feature "Focus Mode" and having it as a setting that tucks in under the "Features" tab of the quick settings, all the setting should do is auto-hide the sidebar and address bar, but make it so that when the cursor hovers up to the top or side of the application, the bar slides out. Additionally, it would also be useful to have the setting auto-adjust if it recognizes that tabs have been split across the screen, or if sites like google docs/slides/sheets etc. are opened. Though, that last bit is a tall order lol. I hope to see a feature like this soon. -